Published on 07.03.2022 under Counseling, Equality of Opportunity, STEM education, Open Innovation
#BreaktheBias – Focus on women
STEM education
Equality of Opportunity
Creative Hubs & Labs
In our key areas of MINT education, equal opportunities and Creative Hubs & Labs, we always focus on the topic of women – as a cross-cutting issue, so to speak. This year's motto for International Women's Day fits in perfectly with matrix's attitude: "#BreakTheBias". This attitude is reflected in the STEM field, when we focus on girls and women as zdi heroines, when we empower young women as makers and innovators in the project, or when we interview women with severe disabilities on the job market with Christina Focus on Marx from Aktion Mensch. It is always about changing perspectives, seeing girls and women beyond stereotypes and opening up opportunities.
woman in focus
Great STEM women
zdi heroines campaign
Get excited about STEM
Inspiring girls and young women for STEM - Here's how
My day is STEM
Marike Skiba – RoleModel MINT –
Placed again and again throughout the year:
"I can program the robots very well."
Sina - zdi-Guru is a role model and mentor
©zdi-NRW, YouTube
woman in science
Under the magnifying glass - The long path of women in science
woman in focus
Equality of Opportunity
"... and suddenly the position is temporary."
Women with severe disabilities on the job market, an interview with Christina Marx
link follows
Health equity
Zsuzsanna Majzik works for vulnerable groups
Study doubts as an opportunity
Student advisor Theresa Fabian
Socially disadvantaged women on the move
Participation as a motor for equal opportunities BIG
woman in focus
Creative Hubs & Labs
Smart fashion
Makers in the FabLab
fe: male innovation hub
Founders in the digital economy
Celebrate Female Innovators
Marte Hentschel in conversation with Kerstin Helmerdig