Veröffentlicht am 20.01.2022 unter Beratung, Open Innovation
Aus dem FabLab
Ergebnisse der FabAcademy unseres matrix-Teams in Tunesien.
Congratulations Hala, Amal und Ayoub! Our Team in Tunisia has successfully graduated from the Fab Academy 2021. They developed three projects: 1. a robot for emergency cases which detects obstacles, 2. a smart trap, which helps farmers to avoid the overuse of pesticides and 3. s humidifier in the shape of a traditional lantern.
“During the Fab Academy we learned to bring our ideas into reality” emphasized Hala. “And we managed to overcome electronic challenges by ourselves,” added Ayoub.
The following project presentations give an impression of their work and the possibilities a FabLab offers.